1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Pantry Supplier Caterers
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  2. $6 - $8, $8 - $10, Less than $4 Caterers

Your Order with Yes 2 Healthy Life

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About Yes 2 Healthy Life

Yes2HealthyLife was founded by a mother of two children to promote nutrient-rich whole foods. Like any other mother, she does very thorough research for the best nutrient-rich whole foods for her children.

Her selection will entail every single step; from how the food is grown, to the harvesting and processing of the whole food for her children to retain the optimal nutrients, and finally how the whole food is packaged.

A whole-food and plant-based diet is always her choice, as they retain optimal nutrients and do not burden the human body. Much effort is put into sourcing and verifying these whole foods.

Do you want a healthy life?

Everyone will answer 'Yes, I want a healthy life.'; this was how our company name ‘Yes2HealthyLife’ was derived.

Our commitment is to offer our clients 100% natural, organic and nutrient-rich whole foods with nutrition and health-protecting benefits that build lasting good health.

We believe in 100% Natural Nutrient-Rich Whole Foods.