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Most popular in this category
Minced Pork Porridge
Our traditional Taiwanese Congee is made with high-quality fragrant pearl rice, dried shrimps and cabbage topped with crispy and savoury pork lard and whitebait!
Minced Pork Porridge | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Minced Pork Porridge | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Oyster Mee Sua
Hearty bowl of bonito based mee sua topped with plump, succulent oysters, coriander and garlic.
Oyster Mee Sua | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Oyster Mee Sua | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Minced Pork Rice
Healthier option to the famous Taiwanese street food. Made with freshly grounded quality pork everyday.
Minced Pork Rice | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Minced Pork Rice | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Minced Pork Noodles
Healthier option to the famous Taiwanese street food. Made with freshly grounded quality pork everyday.
Minced Pork Noodles | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang
Minced Pork Noodles | Mains - from Yu Ba Fang