1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Asian Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Mexican Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Singaporean Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. $6 - $8, $8 - $10, Less than $4 Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Sharing Platters Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Restaurant with Catering Caterers

Closed/Unavailable: Feb 16

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Customer Reviews of Toast Box:


"Everything was good"

  • June, 20 Sep 2024
  • Web Review

"Varieties of food"

  • Jane, 24 Jul 2023
  • Web Review


  • Desmond, 26 May 2022
  • Web Review
see 10 more reviews

About Toast Box

Established in October 2005, Toast Box is a Singaporean contemporary coffee chain rooted in the recreation of Nanyang coffee and toast culture popular during the 1960s and 70s. Step inside and be greeted by the fragrance of coffee made from freshly-ground caramelised coffee beans, complemented by a menu of familiar home favourites. The enticing aroma of brewed coffee and flavourful local delights infuse vibrancy of life into every store, bringing people together to share in the nostalgic taste of a bygone era.

In addition to preserving the taste of Nanyang at home, Toast Box is now also brewing in Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and Taipei, sharing the delightful experience beyond our shores.