1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Asian Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Chinese Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Singaporean Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. $6 - $8, $8 - $10, Less than $4 Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Restaurant with Catering Caterers

Closed/Unavailable: Feb 16

Your Order with Tiong Bahru Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice

  • Your Order with Tiong Bahru Hainanese Boneless Chicken RiceClose

Customer Reviews of Tiong Bahru Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice:


"It was easy to order online, delivery was effic..."

  • Cheng Yong Lim, 11 Mar 2023
  • Web Review
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