Your Order with The Improv Company

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About The Improv Company

Founded in October 2013, The Improv Company has grown to become Singapore’s biggest improvised theatre company and training centre.

We began as NUS Stage’s Improvables, a university improv troupe comprising of fun-loving friends. When we graduated, we couldn't quit - we loved improv so much that we founded the Company to continue spreading the joy of improv. We started with one class a week at a studio in Jalan Pisang. Growing slowly, we began conducting more advanced improv classes, producing regular shows, seeding multiple new improv teams and working with improv experts, which formed the basis of what we do today.

We hope to keep advancing improv in Singapore and growing the community of improvisers until it's a local arts staple and beyond. We've had the pleasure of seeing hundreds of students come through our doors, a hundred shows under our belts, and a hundred corporate events since our humble beginnings. We've also performed internationally in Manila and Shanghai, and conducted workshops in Jakarta, Bali, and Chicago. With the help of the passionate and selfless local improv community, we hosted the first Singapore Improv Festival in 2016 to sold-out success. This led to our even more successful run of the Festival in 2018, which hosted performers from all over the Asia-Pacific.

Ultimately, we just want to keep growing the community and keep getting better at the improv we teach and do!