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Most popular in this category
Beef Curry
Slow braised beef chunks with spices and coconut gravy, jasmine rice.
Beef Curry | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Beef Curry | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Salted Egg Yolk Pasta
Fried chicken, creamy salted egg infused with cream and chili spices, spaghetti
Salted Egg Yolk Pasta | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Salted Egg Yolk Pasta | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Kampong Chicken Rendang
Chicken stew with spices and coconut gravy, coconut rice
Kampong Chicken Rendang | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Kampong Chicken Rendang | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Suns Pasta
Premium soft-shell crab, laksa gravy, capellini
Suns Pasta | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Suns Pasta | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Truffle Carbonara
White mushroom, bacon, onsen egg
Truffle Carbonara | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Truffle Carbonara | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Italian-Style Marinated Pork Chops
Pork Ckop, Fries, Mix Green, Pineapple
Italian-Style Marinated Pork Chops | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Italian-Style Marinated Pork Chops | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Sautéed Mushroom Fried Rice
Muskroom, Onsen Egg, Rice
Sautéed Mushroom Fried Rice | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Sautéed Mushroom Fried Rice | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Scallion Noodles
Fresh scallion infused with superior sauce and premium oil, Shanghai style fresh noodles.
Scallion Noodles | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Scallion Noodles | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Poached Prawns with Quinoa Mix Salad
Quinoa Tri-Colour, Prawns, Mix Green
Poached Prawns with Quinoa Mix Salad | Mains - from Suns Living Room
Poached Prawns with Quinoa Mix Salad | Mains - from Suns Living Room