
Delivery fee for this category: $19.90
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Most popular in this category
Grilled Pork Chop
Oven-grilled pork chops, chocolate wine reduction, pumpkin puree, fennel & arugula salad, sesame powder
Grilled Pork Chop | Mains - from Santi's Pizza and Produce
Grilled Pork Chop | Mains - from Santi's Pizza and Produce
Crispy Lamb Ribs
Spice-crusted lamb ribs, green miso sauce, spring onions, fennel & arugula salad, lime slice, smoked paprika
Crispy Lamb Ribs | Mains - from Santi's Pizza and Produce
Crispy Lamb Ribs | Mains - from Santi's Pizza and Produce