1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Western Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Asian Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Chinese Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Malaysian Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. BBQ Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. $6 - $8, $8 - $10, Less than $4 Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Buffet (set up) Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Malaysian Caterers
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Your Order with Rasa Rasa Halal Delights

  • Your Order with Rasa Rasa Halal DelightsClose

Customer Reviews of Rasa Rasa Halal Delights:


"Impressed with the service!"

  • Lillah, 5 Dec 2017
  • Web Review

"Thumbs Up!"

  • shalini, 18 Jul 2017
  • Web Review

"Food is very nice and the service is really good"

  • Tay , 18 Jun 2017
  • Web Review
see 114 more reviews

About Rasa Rasa Halal Delights

Rasa Rasa Halal Delights is a Halal Certified caterer providing great quality food and halal buffet services. Rasa Rasa is an excellent one-stop solution to find the delicious food catering in many categories at affordable prices!