1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Restaurant with Catering Caterers

Closed/Unavailable: Oct 12, Oct 13

Limited Slots: Nov 27

Your Order with Pizza Republic

  • Your Order with Pizza RepublicClose

About Pizza Republic

Pizza Republic is a home grown Singapore brand that believes authentic, hand-stretched pizza needn't be crazy expensive. Whilst we're not flash, our pizzas are made with some of the best ingredients around, most of them imported from Italy for that real pizza experience. We've got the classics, the locally inspired, and even something with pineapple on top, all based on a light yet tasty, 48 hour fermented dough.

Visit us for a pizza fresh from the oven, paired with a pint of craft beer from our co-brand The Good Beer Company, or order direct for home delivery. We can send the beer to you too!