1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Western Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Salads Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Sharing Platters Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Buffet (set up) Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Restaurant with Catering Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Sandwiches Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Pastries Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Full Service Catering Caterers

Your Order with PAUL

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Customer Reviews of PAUL:


" Everything was OK"

  • Kate, 6 Mar 2024
  • Web Review

"Keep up the good service"

  • Margaret, 26 Dec 2017
  • Web Review

"Excellent Customer Service"

  • Geetha, 27 Dec 2018
  • Web Review
see 116 more reviews

About PAUL

French Family Bakery & Patisserie since 1889

PAUL, founded in 1889, offers a selection of country-style and fancy bread, viennoiserie (croissants, etc.) pastries, cakes and desserts, snacks and sandwiches.

The PAUL tea-rooms offer a French style of snack lunch: savory and sweet pastries, a selection of French pancakes, simple dishes and a selection of salads, etc. All prepared on the premises. The perfect stop for a lunchtime break, dinner date, or a casual time with friends and family.

All of the products offered by PAUL are prepared to the same high standards which have made French bread famous the world over.

What is the secret ingredient of PAUL’s success? A respect for tradition.