1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Western Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. $6 - $8, $8 - $10, Less than $4 Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Restaurant with Catering Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Pastries Caterers
  1. Singapore Caterers
  2. Full Service Catering Caterers

Closed/Unavailable: Mar 13, Mar 14, Mar 15, Mar 16, Mar 17, Mar 18, Mar 19, Mar 20

Your Order with MILET

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It all started with the relationship forged between a daughter-in-law, Evangeline & her mother-in-law.
Mother-In-Law Egg Tart was born during the Circuit Breaker in 2020 when a box of home-baked Portuguese egg tarts were sent to her son and Evangeline.
Evangeline was wowed to the point that she decided to send some to her family & friends.
It was at that point that demand started to grow. That was where an idea hit her - why not experiment if this can be a viable side business?
And shortly after, the entire family were activated, tasked with various roles from purchasing ingredients to delivery. Since then, the relationship between Evangeline & Joyce grew along with the business.
Today, they've upgraded to a brick & mortar store located centrally to cater to the growing demand.