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Most popular in this category
White Chicken Rice (Non-Spicy)
Mixed chicken & tofu, fried egg, refreshing white sauce
Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah
Fresh chicken leg, coconut rice, peanut, ikan bills, fried egg, sambal, and keropok
Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Indomie Fries Chicken
Fried egg, cucumber and shrimp crackers
Nasi Lemak Chicken Rendang
Chicken rendang, egg, tofu tempe and keropok
Chicken Fries
Chicken on fries, fried egg
Indomie Chicken
Fried egg, cucumber, shrimp crackers, chicken
Indomie Chicken | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Indomie Chicken | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Ms Chimken
Ham, broccoli, fried egg, spicy smash chicken
Wet Indomie (Spicy)
Mushy egg noodle, vegetables, onsen egg, shrimp crackers
Wet Indomie (Spicy) | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Wet Indomie (Spicy) | Mains - from Fangko Coffee
Mr Chimken
Sausage, broccoli, fried egg, spicy smash chicken
Rice Chicken
Rice, fried egg, cucumber
White Chicken Indomie (Non-Spicy)
Mixed chicken & tofu, fried egg, refreshing white sauce