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Most popular in this category
Cheeky Handmade Meat Ball (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup)
Signature soup with meatballs served with handmade bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Handmade Meat Ball (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Cheeky Handmade Meat Ball (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Cheeky Braised Pork Bee Hoon (Crystal Bee Hoon - Dry)
Signature soup with braised pork served with crystal bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Braised Pork Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup)
Signature soup with braised pork served with handmade bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Braised Pork Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Cheeky Braised Pork Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Cheeky Lala Bee Hoon (Crystal Bee Hoon - Dry)
Signature soup with clams served with crystal bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Lala Rice (Pork Lard Pearl Rice)
Signature soup with clams served with pork lard pearl rice (on the side)
Cheeky Lala Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup)
Signature soup with clams served with handmade bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Lala Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Cheeky Lala Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Signature Cheeky Rice (Pork Lard Pearl Rice)
Signature soup, multi-layered, with the light sweet umami fading into a peppery kick, served with pork lard pearl rice (on the side)
Cheeky Handmade Meat Ball (Crystal Bee Hoon - Dry)
Signature soup with meatballs served with crystal bee hoon (on the side).
Cheeky Handmade Meat Ball Rice (Pork Lard Pearl Rice)
Signature soup with meatballs served with pork lard pearl rice (on the side)
Cheeky Braised Rice (Pork Lard Pearl Rice)
Signature soup with braised pork served with pork lard pearl rice (on the side)
Signature Cheeky Bee Hoon (Crystal Bee Hoon - Dry)
Signature soup, multi-layered, with the light sweet umami fading into a peppery kick, served with crystal bee hoon (on the side).
Signature Cheeky Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup)
Signature soup, multi-layered, with the light sweet umami fading into a peppery kick, served with handmade bee hoon (on the side).
Signature Cheeky Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon
Signature Cheeky Bee Hoon (Handmade Bee Hoon - Soup) | Mains - from Cheeky Bee Hoon